The Runestone Code

Getting the Code

Use the Github Runestone Code repository to obtain the latest source code.

If you are planning on developing, please make your own fork of the code to work in and submit Pull Requests from it. While developing, please keep your fork up to date with the Runestone repo to ensure your improvements are compatible with the latest version of the code.

Project File Structure

The code is organized into folders that correspond to concepts from the polylith software architecture. If you don’t know what a polylith is don’t let that deter you. It is just a fancy way of saying that we have a bunch of projects that share a lot of code.

The top level folders are:

  • projects - Deployable artifacts. Servers, command line tools, etc…

  • bases - The public-facing API for a project

  • components - Code that supports one or more projects/bases

  • development - Experimental and early work

  • docs - Source code for the documentation

  • tests - Automated tests for various projects

  ├── 📁bases
  │  └── 📁rsptx
  │     ├── 📁author_server_api
  │     ├── 📁book_server_api
  │     ├── 📁dash_server_api
  │     ├── 📁rsmanage
  │     └── 📁web2py_server
  ├── 📁components
  │  └── 📁rsptx
  │     ├── 📁auth
  │     ├── 📁configuration
  │     ├── 📁data_extract
  │     ├── 📁db
  │     ├── 📁forms
  │     ├── 📁logging
  │     ├── 📁lp_sim_builder
  │     ├── 📁response_helpers
  │     ├── 📁validation
  │     └── 📁visualization
  ├── 📁development
  │  └── 
  ├──  docker-compose.yml
  ├── 📁docs
  │  ├── 📁build
  │  │  ├── 📁doctrees
  │  │  └── 📁html
  │  ├── 📁images
  │  │  └──  RunestoneArch.svg
  │  ├──  Makefile
  │  └── 📁source
  ├── 📁projects
  │  ├── 📁author_server
  │  │  ├── 📁dist
  │  │  ├──  Dockerfile
  │  │  ├──  gitconfig
  │  │  ├──  pyproject.toml
  │  │  └── 
  │  ├── 📁book_server
  │  │  ├── 📁dist
  │  │  ├──  Dockerfile
  │  │  ├──  pyproject.toml
  │  │  └── 
  │  ├── 📁dash_server
  │  │  ├── 📁cache
  │  │  ├── 📁dist
  │  │  ├──  Dockerfile
  │  │  ├──  pyproject.toml
  │  │  └── 
  │  ├── 📁jobe
  │  ├── 📁nginx
  │  │  ├──  Dockerfile
  │  ├── 📁rsmanage
  │  │  ├── 📁dist
  │  │  ├──  poetry.lock
  │  │  └──  pyproject.toml
  │  └── 📁w2p_login_assign_grade
  │     ├── 📁dist
  │     ├──  Dockerfile
  │     └──  pyproject.toml
  ├──  pyproject.toml
  ├──  README.rst
  ├── 📁test
  └──  workspace.toml