response_helpers.core module

Response Helpers for FastAPI

response_helpers.core.canonicalize_tz(tstring: str) str

Browsers are not consistent with how they format times with timezones for example Safari: Tue Sep 08 2020 21:13:00 GMT-0500 (CDT) Chrome: Tue Sep 08 2020 21:13:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) This function tries to coerce the time string into the Safari format as it is more compatible with other time/date functions

response_helpers.core.http_422error_detail(loc: List[str], msg: str, err_type: str) List[dict]

The 422 indicates that the request was not formatted correctly. This function provides the details on what was missing. Based on information we get from Pydantic.

  • loc (List[str]) – the location of the error in the request

  • msg (str) – A descriptive message about the error.

  • err_type (str) – the specific error that was raised. e.g. value_error, type_error, integrity_error.


A list of dictionaries that can be used to construct the detail for the response.

Return type:


response_helpers.core.make_json_response(status: int = 200, detail: Optional[Any] = None) JSONResponse

Format a proper JSON response for the API.

  • status (int, optional) – status code of the response, defaults to status.HTTP_200_OK

  • detail (Any, optional) – detailed values for the response. Note that the contents of the detail are api independent, but the goal is for all API calls to use this format., defaults to None


Return the JSON response object that FastAPI expects.

Return type:
