Moving to Production¶
This page needs to be written
Running your own server? Let us know¶
If you run your own Runestone server we would love to hear from you. Please make an issue in this repo and just tell us where you are at and how many students you serve. As we seek grant funding, understanding the impact of Runestone is very important. Thanks!
Deploying Runestone to a production environment will be substantially more complex than setting up a development copy, but will make use of many of the same tools. Before undertaking a deployment you should:
Make sure that you need your own Runestone installation. If you want to run classes using an existing Runestone book, or to author a new book, it is quite likely you can do so on the Runestone Academy infrastructure.
Have previously successfully set up and used a development environment. This will enable you to understand the production environment setup as changes to the simpler development setup.