Developing the Javascript for Runestone Components

The following is what you need to do to work on the javascript for a component testing it against a local build of a book written in PreTeXt.

  1. Make a branch in your clone of

  2. Work on the javascript for the component in bases/rsptx/interactives/runestone/...

  3. Run poetry install --with=dev in the root folder of your clone of rs

  4. Start up a poetry shell in the root folder of your clone of rs

  5. From bases/rsptx/interactives run npm run build → results in runestone/dist

  6. From bases/rsptx/interactives run python ./scripts/ test → creates webpack_static_imports.xml and sets up for the files to be in _static/test in the resulting local build of your PreTeXt book.

  7. Set:<stringparam key="" value="file:////your/home/rs/bases/interactives/runestone/dist/webpack_static_imports.xml" /> in the project.pxt file of the book.

  8. Run pretext build in the root folder of the book

  9. mkdir -p build/html/_static/test

  10. Copy the contents of .../rs/bases/rsptx/interactives/runestone/dist to build/html/_static/test

  11. Run pretext view

If you are still working with old RST based books, you can simply use the runestone build command which automatically copies the files to the correct location.